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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)


    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2009-08-06

    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  Necromancy Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:37 pm

    Since CoRev is based on PvP, and focused more into FB/SSing, meleeing, and zapping, it helps a LOT to know ho to FB/SS. Before you guys say anything, I'm not PRO or n00b at Fbing, so bear with me and you might learn a few things....

    First, make sure your internet is excellent for CoRev.

    What's are some "Good" standards?
    Your computer should be recommended to have about 1200 Mhz, 600+ RAM, and that's pretty decent enough to run the game fast.
    Some tips to run the game better are-
    Shutting off other programs like IMs (they can slow your computer and internet a teeny bit), internet browsers, download managers, music players, background processes, and anything else. Try to get CoRev the only thing running for maximum performance.
    Tip: Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Look for CoRevolution.exe or Conquer.exe and look beside it to make sure it has 70+ CPU.

    Now for internet. Obviously, try to not clog your internet with downloads and stuff. Make sure you get the internet speeds you pay for.Go to to make sure you have a good internet speed. A recommended speed is 4 mbps download (around 500 kilobytes a second) and 0.4 mbps upload. When you log in, check your ping (numbers such as 0324) on the top left corner of your client. If they are: 0001-0050 = PERFECT, a dream ping to FB/SS. 0050-0150 = Great! A slight delay, but great for Fbing. 0150-0300 = Decent, you will feel your FB/SS come out a little late, but it's decent. 0300-0500 = Hell for n00b FB/SSers, it's bad for regular players. Unless you can predict every move of the enemy, a Pr0 wouldnt mind this lag very much. 0500-1000 = Shitty. 1000+ = Your internet's f***ed up, not worth playing.
    Tip: Look for TCP Optimizer on a search engine. It will tweak your internet to the best it can do. If nothing works, call your gay ISP (internet service provider if you don't know.)

    Now your computer's good enough to run the game and your internet's good enough to not lag your ass, we should learn some skills. Not yet!
    There's no official rule list for FB/SSing, but here's a rule list for common courtesy.

    The FB/SS Code of Chivalry -

    1. One shall not cheapshot. Cheapshotting includes the following: attacking a poor, innocent player while they are afk (away form keyboard), sitting still, or not in motion. This also includes sneak attacking a player with a quick FB/SS, starting fights while the other is not ready, and jumping screens away only to jump back to attack while the other player is sitting. "like omg, i just hit a guy standing still! im so damn pro! omg omg! suck it b*tch!" This is vital skill to become an *sshole player, and you dishonorable players need this.

    2. One shall not complain or get cocky. Oh no, Faggot was OWNED by SuckIt! If he cheapshotted you, kill his *ss lol. But if he played fair and square, admit defeat, try again, or laugh it off with a "lol, dang ur good. I dun wanna play ya xD" and walk away. Your a pussy if you run, and your dead meat if you try again. So enough for losing, what happens when you win? Is it cool to do your cool-armor-effect after you killed someone? Nah, it pisses the sh*t out of other players. You should only do it when someone else has done it to u, and u owned them.
    Tip: If youre a Trojan, bang their ghost with your angry movement instead of cool. It's way more humiliating xD
    Note: Aimbotting and skill is different. What's an aimbot? A program for fags who don't have a life and cheat their way to win the game. How can you tell if this is an "aimbot"? Aimbots shoot every second without pause when FB/SSing, they can shoot a screen away O.o, and they jump less frequently (some players jump less frequent too, but this is for some occasions). To fight those faggot Aimbots, walk or jump a different screen to stay out of range. As for skilled players, they are everything aimbots are not, except for the owning part.

    3. Challenge the stronger. There's no point in fighting the weaker players, you won't get any better. Fight someone good, and learn their tactics and moves, it helps.

    4. To Zap is to be n00b. Zapping is GAY, NOOB, and for douchebags. This is for the melee b*tches and the fail Fb/Ssers. Don't be one of them.

    5. Practice makes perfect. If you lose, you lose. If you win, try to be better. It takes time to learn this art, and you can always do better.

    So, you've learned courtesy for Fb/Ssing, now to learn some tactics and moves.

    Jump before you FB/SS. You teleport that way and it's hard to hit you.

    Learn how they jump. Ask a ?, are they jumping in circles, triangles, etc? Knowing where they go next jump is vital.

    Practice on still, non-moving monsters. Yes, youre cheapshotting the mobs, but you need to get your aim right. Just put ur mouse on the shadow, and right click...then jump around and try to hit while jumping.

    You can FB/SS in the air, don't wait until you land to shoot. Also, when you shoot, jump immediately. Common sense but many players wait to see what their FB/SS hit before they jump again. This is a good mistake to get owned.

    Never melee. You put yourself in grave danger in doing that. Your character will sometimes get stuck doing an attacking motion to the air and theres always the chance you'll miss. That's plain FAIL there.

    Know your range. You can't hit far diagonally, up, or down. You can shoot far left or right, though. Use this to your advantage. How? Jump up and down, while trying to get your opponent to jump left and right.

    Learn how they jump and attack. Then counter it. How? Oooooo, my enemy jumps in a triangle. He only hits when I Fb/Ss. So.....I'll attack him in his path, and I'll jump outta range so he can't counterattack. Repeat. Make simple notes in your head, they help.

    Don't feel cocky. You will get less aware of the scene, and you will get careless. You'll fall for all the enemy's simple tricks.

    Standing still is the equivalent of suicide.

    If you're in a rumble, there's no reason to jump in the middle of it. DUH. If you watch a rumble of random shooters, they aim for the middle and they'll catch you 3/5 of the time. Jump around the rumble and stay in range of your target. You'll still get kills and not be killed (as much.)

    If there are more than two people attacking you, be aware of their position and aiming. Jump out of their focus area and attack your target.

    Now for a few moves and tactics:


    The easiest thing to do is to jump in one direction, and fire backwards. Easy, right? By using this tactic, you can jump left and right, or up and down and when the enemy lands between or in the middle of ur jumps, it's easy to shoot em down. Also, if they're dumb enough to follow you or get close to you for a melee hit, this move is perfect to use. I call this the "Back Shot", simple, easy, and quick, and also used by many many players unknowing this. If the enemy doesn't perfectly jump in your trap, practice on hitting them in other directions.

    Experienced Eye - What is this? It's more of an instinct than skill. After you've learned and FB/SSed for few straight months and maybe even years, Fb/Ssing becomes common sense and preschool stuff. You know where/when/how people will do/go like in an instant. How to get this? Practice and learn and have fun FB/SSing. You can't get beast at it in a few weeks.


    The Famous ZigZag jump, used by me. I love using this against other players. Why? While jumping toward them, I jump various distances, up-down, or left-right, making it very hard to hit me while i can get them. Just jump in a zigzag, simple. Except, try changing distances of every jump, short and long. You don't have to be near them to attack, so you can always attack while dodging. This tactic is great for following players, so their Backshots won't work, unless they're pretty Pr0 =O

    In/Out of Range Jump. Simple, jump in to enough distance to land a hit, and jump a few feet away so they can't counter-attack. But do not go enough distance to get off-screen, this makes you both unaware of the next attack.


    (if you don't melee, you don't need to read this)

    "How the **** is meleeing a skill?" you ask....It's not a skill when you go KAMIKAZE! into a rumble and hope you get out killing 4 people and live. Try chasing a running/jumping takes time. But you can cut that time and own with a bit of practice, tactics, and tips.


    Never get caught in the "backshot". (read up there if you dont know what it is) It's a common mistake. It might be easier for you to follow but it makes it WAY easier for them to counter-attack. How to avoid? Don't jump right behind them obviously. Jump over them, zigzag, or keep jump to the same way they're going. But stay VERY close to him and don't lose distance.

    If you're trying to get a person that's running away and doesn't want to fight, don't waste your time. A chase is nearly impossible since everyone jumps at a similiar speed if you're trying to melee.

    Make THEM follow you. Example: I'm jumping up away from him and still staying in his screen. He's gunna follow me and jump up... I'll jump back down and...."

    If you're in a mood to melee and is using 1H weapons, and the opponent has a 2H weapon, then good luck. If someone has 1H weapons and is meleeing you, and you have a 2H, you're at an advantage, obviously.

    Get 40 agility. If your weapon skill won't hit, your melee hit will have a "small" chance to. It's worth giving 800 HP away for the ability to bang your club at someone.

    Just predict and be a step ahead of them. Maybe a few more steps ahead wouldn't hurt....To do this? Just know how they jump - do they go....around in circles, always to the open area, towards other people, etc.

    Your character will sometimes get stuck doing a motion. You could prevent this by timing your jump and quickly jumping again. Orrrr....put your "sit" action on your f1 hotkeys. Press sit, attack again (or jump), sit, attack again and you can skip the attacking motion.

    Dont short jump. If you are 2-5 feet away from your enemy run to him, but jump he jumps/attacks. If you jump short, your character slowly goes form one place to another, which makes you vulnerable and easy to hit.

    Take shortcuts. If he jumps left then down, go diagonally that direction. Common sense.

    To dodge, mix between jump/run, never too much of one motion. Watch them struggle to hit you xD

    If the opponent walks, thank God for it. Saves you all the time in the world.

    Anddddd practice.....

    A little weapon knowledge for meleers -

    There are lots of weapons. You should recognize each of them and their abilities. Here's a list for you (not complete, im a lazy dude -.-)

    1H weapons (that are worth meleeing) -

    DAGGER - The sexiest and beastest weapon to melee for a 1Her. Why? The skill is amazing, beautiful, and wayyyy strong. With a dagger, you can make a maximum of 143k on a guild gate and maximum of 46k on a regular Trojan. Though the attack is low, the skill and dex (a sweet 212) make up for it. If the skill doesn't activate, there's a medium chance for melee to happen. My rating - 10 (out of 5 stars)

    Club - A VERY common weapon. Strong atk, powerful skill, and somewhat reliable. With a 40& damage increase with the skill, and about 45% chance to hit, this is a useful weapon. Bad things are it's minimum atk and it's low dex- (3.5/5)

    Sword - A useful, common weapon. Fixed nix acivates at 78%, which is the best of all weapons and is very reliable. It has a 24% atk boost with nix (pretty decent to my standards) The downfall is that it hogs all the chance for rage (which is way stronger) or other skills to activate. Really annoying and can't 1 hit (without stig)- 3/5

    Scepter - Not a bad weapon. Atk is as strong as a club and has the ability to poison (23% chance?). The skill takes time to fix on this server but it's not bad at all. ix it with a poison blade and you'll have a decent chance to poison the target while meleeing- (3/5)

    Axe/Hammer - One of my favorites. Makes the opponent unable to attack, a 28% chance to do it, and has powerful attack. It is stronger than a club, by 1 atk point. If you've seen my character Necromancy, I'm using an axe-blade combo myself. Downfalls? The skill stops the target from attacking, if they stand doesn't increase your atk while activating. Another good thing about it?-It's oversized and makes your char big and bad looking lol. (3.5/5)

    In my opinion, I don't think the other skills aren't a 3 star or above.

    2Hs -

    Wand-I like the wand. It's not as strong as its brothers but it's got a large 360 range, and a good activation rate (45%). If you wanna go crazy and go into a middle of a rumble, this weapon is the most useful - 4/5

    Poleaxe/Glaive/Halberd/Longhammer - 180 range and powerful attack. Same thing, different looks though - 3/5

    Spear - Attacks what straight of it. Stronger than the rest of its brothers witha 210% attack boost and 47% chance of activation. Common and useful - 3.5/5

    Whatever combo you're fine with and like, youre good to go.


    For begginners, use a 2H. Meleeing is all the same - getting close to someone and attacking. You can use 1H weapons but it'll be way harder. But anyways here's how to melee.

    First, you think like the enemy. Ask and answer the question "Where am i going?" If you can figure this out, then that's GREAT. But if you don't, just follow the enemy and learn his jumping style. Copy it, and get to the spot before he does. Let go of the Ctrl button when you think you're ready to hit. If you miss and he keeps jumping, DON'T HESITATE. KEEP FOLLOWING THEM. STAY ON THEIR TAIL 100% OF THE TIME. if he attacks back, jump ASAP to any direction and repeat your pursuit. Read the ^tips^ for a little help.

    Further info against FB/SSers - You wont have much chances. Trust me. But you should make the most of them. Dodge their shots until they're out of stamina. They'll start to sit for even half a second (makes all the difference) and it's your advantage time. He'll get a shot once in a while so be careful.

    For other meleers - Jumping is the key. You obviously can't hit jumping targets so use this tip to your advantage. Circle, triangle, do whatever and stay very close to them. Why? They'll get stuck in their attacking motion while you're jumping over them and it's you chance. Tip: Jump more than Super Mario could ever do to his enemies.

    I'm adding more and more when I have freetime. Anyone is allowed to help me add on any tips or fix anything said here. I'm not a Pr0, but I hope I contributed something to the CoRev community. Have fun and practice FB/SSing!

    Very Happy

    Last edited by Necromancy on Sat Aug 15, 2009 7:22 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : adding more tips and thingys.....)

    Posts : 139
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    Age : 114
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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  CoupDeGrace Sat Aug 08, 2009 12:57 am

    I dislike it when those newbies do the cool action, although it is sad that people have to prove themselves to me on a game LOL

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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  Remorse~ Sat Aug 08, 2009 1:05 am

    Aim and click. Enough said. Very Happy

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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  Necromancy Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:00 am

    CoupDeGrace wrote:I dislike it when those newbies do the cool action, although it is sad that people have to prove themselves to me on a game LOL

    so true xD

    Posts : 21
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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  ehow1 Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:45 pm

    hey, necromancer i'll come to see you graduate from Conquer School. cheers.

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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  CoupDeGrace Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:29 pm

    ehow1 wrote:hey, necromancer i'll come to see you graduate from Conquer School. cheers.

    Once again, hes trying to help out the community. So please, crawl into a hole and die ehow.

    Posts : 251
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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  Lily Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:46 pm

    ehow1 wrote:hey, necromancer i'll come to see you graduate from Conquer School. cheers.
    too bad you didn't graduate

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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  Remorse~ Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:48 pm

    ehow1 wrote:hey, necromancer i'll come to see you graduate from Conquer School. cheers.
    Sad little life you must have. =/ Feel bad for ya...wait nawh, not really. LOL

    Posts : 139
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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  CoupDeGrace Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:48 pm

    Lily wrote:
    ehow1 wrote:hey, necromancer i'll come to see you graduate from Conquer School. cheers.
    too bad you didn't graduate

    O damn, nice Lily laying down some smack down xDD.

    And he even failed to get his GED!

    Posts : 251
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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  Lily Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:59 pm

    CoupDeGrace wrote:
    Lily wrote:
    ehow1 wrote:hey, necromancer i'll come to see you graduate from Conquer School. cheers.
    too bad you didn't graduate

    O damn, nice Lily laying down some smack down xDD.
    Your sexy

    And he even failed to get his GED!
    i know im awesome

    Posts : 139
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    Age : 114
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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  CoupDeGrace Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:01 pm

    Lily wrote:
    CoupDeGrace wrote:
    Lily wrote:
    ehow1 wrote:hey, necromancer i'll come to see you graduate from Conquer School. cheers.
    too bad you didn't graduate

    O damn, nice Lily laying down some smack down xDD.
    Your sexy

    And he even failed to get his GED!
    i know im awesome

    0-0, nice little edit in there.

    Posts : 251
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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  Lily Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:02 pm

    CoupDeGrace wrote:
    Lily wrote:
    CoupDeGrace wrote:
    Lily wrote:
    ehow1 wrote:hey, necromancer i'll come to see you graduate from Conquer School. cheers.
    too bad you didn't graduate

    O damn, nice Lily laying down some smack down xDD.
    Your sexy

    And he even failed to get his GED!
    i know im awesome

    0-0, nice little edit in there.
    you were thinking it

    Posts : 139
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    Age : 114
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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  CoupDeGrace Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:07 pm

    Lily wrote:
    CoupDeGrace wrote:
    Lily wrote:
    CoupDeGrace wrote:
    Lily wrote:
    ehow1 wrote:hey, necromancer i'll come to see you graduate from Conquer School. cheers.
    too bad you didn't graduate

    O damn, nice Lily laying down some smack down xDD.
    Your sexy

    And he even failed to get his GED!
    i know im awesome

    0-0, nice little edit in there.
    you were thinking it

    Hay, your the one that started talking to me! lololol

    Posts : 251
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    Age : 29
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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  Lily Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:17 pm

    CoupDeGrace wrote:
    Lily wrote:
    CoupDeGrace wrote:
    Lily wrote:
    CoupDeGrace wrote:
    Lily wrote:
    ehow1 wrote:hey, necromancer i'll come to see you graduate from Conquer School. cheers.
    too bad you didn't graduate

    O damn, nice Lily laying down some smack down xDD.
    Your sexy

    And he even failed to get his GED!
    i know im awesome

    0-0, nice little edit in there.
    you were thinking it

    Hay, your the one that started talking to me! lololol
    Ctrl F4

    Posts : 139
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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  CoupDeGrace Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:23 pm

    Lily wrote:
    CoupDeGrace wrote:
    Lily wrote:
    CoupDeGrace wrote:
    Lily wrote:
    CoupDeGrace wrote:
    Lily wrote:
    ehow1 wrote:hey, necromancer i'll come to see you graduate from Conquer School. cheers.
    too bad you didn't graduate

    O damn, nice Lily laying down some smack down xDD.
    Your sexy

    And he even failed to get his GED!
    i know im awesome

    0-0, nice little edit in there.
    you were thinking it

    Hay, your the one that started talking to me! lololol
    Ctrl F4

    Its Alt F4 XDDD and I just figured out its also ctrl f4 LOL

    Last edited by CoupDeGrace on Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:23 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : eehhhh it works o-o)

    Posts : 251
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    Age : 29
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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  Lily Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:25 pm

    CoupDeGrace wrote:
    Lily wrote:
    CoupDeGrace wrote:
    Lily wrote:
    CoupDeGrace wrote:
    Lily wrote:
    CoupDeGrace wrote:
    Lily wrote:
    ehow1 wrote:hey, necromancer i'll come to see you graduate from Conquer School. cheers.
    too bad you didn't graduate

    O damn, nice Lily laying down some smack down xDD.
    Your sexy

    And he even failed to get his GED!
    i know im awesome

    0-0, nice little edit in there.
    you were thinking it

    Hay, your the one that started talking to me! lololol
    Ctrl F4

    Its Alt F4 XDDD and I just figured out its also ctrl f4 LOL
    same shit

    Posts : 139
    Join date : 2009-08-05
    Age : 114
    Location : Florida

    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  CoupDeGrace Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:26 pm

    Lily wrote:
    CoupDeGrace wrote:
    Lily wrote:
    CoupDeGrace wrote:
    Lily wrote:
    CoupDeGrace wrote:
    Lily wrote:
    CoupDeGrace wrote:
    Lily wrote:
    ehow1 wrote:hey, necromancer i'll come to see you graduate from Conquer School. cheers.
    too bad you didn't graduate

    O damn, nice Lily laying down some smack down xDD.
    Your sexy

    And he even failed to get his GED!
    i know im awesome

    0-0, nice little edit in there.
    you were thinking it

    Hay, your the one that started talking to me! lololol
    Ctrl F4

    Its Alt F4 XDDD and I just figured out its also ctrl f4 LOL
    same shit


    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2009-08-09

    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  iRepliKa/KanyeWest Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:35 pm

    it's easier to hit someone who teleports than jumping, you should only tele if you know what you're doin

    Posts : 7
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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  ehow11 Sun Aug 09, 2009 7:20 pm

    once again you failed to insult me, but yet I get tons of repleys..ur letting me get to you. =(

    Posts : 7
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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  JadeSymDragon Mon Aug 10, 2009 3:05 pm

    Definitely some great advice, but I disagree with the melee stuff. Melee actually takes some skill. The fact is you're hitting a moving target at the time they land or when they are running or walking. You have much more limited distance, but when you can execute it correctly, it helps in the end. You do more damage with a melee hit than an ss or fb. For example if you did 10k to someone with an ss, it is likely you could one hit them with a nix(at full hp of course). If you get owned by someone who melees its your fault for getting to close. If you keep your distance, you'll never get hit by a nix. If you can melee right, then you can combine your ss skill and melee skill to kill other players faster. By timing it correctly you can melee without getting stuck.

    Posts : 413
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    Age : 30
    Location : Soon to be hell. I hope.

    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  Remorse~ Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:13 pm

    JadeSymDragon wrote:Definitely some great advice, but I disagree with the melee stuff. Melee actually takes some skill. The fact is you're hitting a moving target at the time they land or when they are running or walking. You have much more limited distance, but when you can execute it correctly, it helps in the end. You do more damage with a melee hit than an ss or fb. For example if you did 10k to someone with an ss, it is likely you could one hit them with a nix(at full hp of course). If you get owned by someone who melees its your fault for getting to close. If you keep your distance, you'll never get hit by a nix. If you can melee right, then you can combine your ss skill and melee skill to kill other players faster. By timing it correctly you can melee without getting stuck.
    ^ He's right, however, if you're a dipstick like me, and don't plan on getting on nix/rage, and leveling your profs, don't melee, unless you're arrogant as fuck (yeap I r, I admits)...and just letting people know, if you're going to melee, a regular hit (which rarely ever happens if you have nix/poison blade) much stronger than nix itself...with ss/fb + stig i hit 55k+ on stakes/guild gates,...however, when I use melee, (I don't have nix nor rage) on a blade/sword combo, my regular melee comes out everytime, and the highest I do without any activation skill is 89k. Also my blade's at lvl 16, and same with sword, 16. Keep that in mind.

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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  Adam Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:11 pm

    Thanks very much, i think it really helped me a lot..very nice guide Smile..


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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  Lily Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:35 pm

    Remorse~ wrote:
    JadeSymDragon wrote:Definitely some great advice, but I disagree with the melee stuff. Melee actually takes some skill. The fact is you're hitting a moving target at the time they land or when they are running or walking. You have much more limited distance, but when you can execute it correctly, it helps in the end. You do more damage with a melee hit than an ss or fb. For example if you did 10k to someone with an ss, it is likely you could one hit them with a nix(at full hp of course). If you get owned by someone who melees its your fault for getting to close. If you keep your distance, you'll never get hit by a nix. If you can melee right, then you can combine your ss skill and melee skill to kill other players faster. By timing it correctly you can melee without getting stuck.
    ^ He's right, however, if you're a dipstick like me, and don't plan on getting on nix/rage, and leveling your profs, don't melee, unless you're arrogant as fuck (yeap I r, I admits)...and just letting people know, if you're going to melee, a regular hit (which rarely ever happens if you have nix/poison blade) much stronger than nix itself...with ss/fb + stig i hit 55k+ on stakes/guild gates,...however, when I use melee, (I don't have nix nor rage) on a blade/sword combo, my regular melee comes out everytime, and the highest I do without any activation skill is 89k. Also my blade's at lvl 16, and same with sword, 16. Keep that in mind.
    you are soo confusing moki

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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  JadeSymDragon Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:45 pm

    Lily wrote:
    Remorse~ wrote:
    JadeSymDragon wrote:Definitely some great advice, but I disagree with the melee stuff. Melee actually takes some skill. The fact is you're hitting a moving target at the time they land or when they are running or walking. You have much more limited distance, but when you can execute it correctly, it helps in the end. You do more damage with a melee hit than an ss or fb. For example if you did 10k to someone with an ss, it is likely you could one hit them with a nix(at full hp of course). If you get owned by someone who melees its your fault for getting to close. If you keep your distance, you'll never get hit by a nix. If you can melee right, then you can combine your ss skill and melee skill to kill other players faster. By timing it correctly you can melee without getting stuck.
    ^ He's right, however, if you're a dipstick like me, and don't plan on getting on nix/rage, and leveling your profs, don't melee, unless you're arrogant as fuck (yeap I r, I admits)...and just letting people know, if you're going to melee, a regular hit (which rarely ever happens if you have nix/poison blade) much stronger than nix itself...with ss/fb + stig i hit 55k+ on stakes/guild gates,...however, when I use melee, (I don't have nix nor rage) on a blade/sword combo, my regular melee comes out everytime, and the highest I do without any activation skill is 89k. Also my blade's at lvl 16, and same with sword, 16. Keep that in mind.
    you are soo confusing moki

    Lol yeah... he's even confusing me a bit... It is probably true, but last time I checked the CO website says that activation actually increases damage by about 25%. I have not actually tested this on the server in depth. Also, when I leveled my weapon skill to 13 I did not see the usual +1% damage on the proficiency tab on this server. Either it is a glitch or Zimbolt removed this. Also, I find it that nix goes off a ton for me. That is why I use it so often.

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    How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!) Empty Re: How to "decently" FB/SS (with a melee guilde too!)

    Post  Necromancy Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:11 pm

    Hmmm. Adding more stuff into the guide. Thanks for the new tips ^^

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