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    New banner for homepage?!


    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2009-11-18
    Age : 32
    Location : Hollandia !

    New banner for homepage?! Empty New banner for homepage?!

    Post  TehKill3r Fri Nov 20, 2009 4:39 am

    Hello people,

    I've talked with Zimbolt about the banner (Because i dont like it, and i thought (and i were right) it were paintskills), and he said i could try to make a better one.

    So, i can use all the people tonight. If you are be able to join it, whisper me at TehKIller[PM]. Ill read those whispers when i get home, (if the server doesnt disconnect me).

    I will also send a GM message in the server for everyone that wants to get on the banner.

    Note: The names will not be shown. Otherwise the banner will be too 'busy' if you understand what i mean.

    Thanks for reading. I hope i've got many whispers by tonight. If not.. Ill just hope that alteast someone shows up.

    I'll explain the main idea (How people gots to stand in the group etc, sitting, bowing, waving etc).



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